Episode 5- When the bodies hit the floor

Welcome to Episode 5!
In this Episode we cover

Our past game against Tormenta FC
How a change in tactics might of helped the team
Players of the match
Round 3 match up with Lansing Ignite

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find us at  https://www.bgn.fm/rivercity-93/

Shout out to our friends at Atomic Lotus Apparel for our awesome new logo!

Go check out their website at   https://atomiclotusapparel.com/ and go support!  Follow us on twitter at  https://twitter.com/rivercity93

Lansing Ignite Statement on Ricky Lopez-Espin https://twitter.com/rickylopezespin/status/1115304780904247296?s=21

Mike Sparks

In addition to watching, coaching, and occasionally playing soccer, Mike also enjoys talking all things soccer over at the Mon Goals podcast. Go give the show a listen and let him know what you think